Wednesday, April 1, 2009

SEO prioritization post by Aaron Wall at SEOBook

I rarely jump up and down in excitement over what I read on other blogs (not that mine is so great...). However, I am consistently impressed at the information given and the straightforward writing style of Aaron Wall of I just read a post titled "What Aspect Of SEO Should You Be Spending Most Of Your Time On?", that needed to be shared, as it is one of the better basic starting point lists for building an SEO campaign (and remembering what SEO is all about) that I have come across. Nice job Aaron and thanks for the references within the post as well!


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  2. Well said Todd. I went through the shared link above find it very helpful to know about and enhance the search engine optimization knowledge. Aron has pointed out and described many important topics on running SEO campaign. Thaks for sharing.
